Friday, August 8, 2014

Sonia Balakyan

أهلاً يا حب

  بعد ما ضربت اجري بالارض وقلت لبابا اني هالسنه عندي تخرج وماني رايد اشتغل، قلي بدك تشتغل واجرك فوق راسك وابن عمتك فريدي (مع الشدة عالدال) عم بستناك تحت لياخدك ع شغلك الجديد. مع كل فجارتي هزيت رأسي سمعا وطاعة ونزلت لاركب بل jeep الخضرة وأروح أتعرف ع شغلي الجديد باوائل الثمانينات. وصلنا أنا وفريدي عالمحل وطلعنا ٣ درجات وهونيك كان في صبيه حلوه كتير بأوائل العشرينات عم تنتظر بابتسامه كبيرة ع وجهها وعيونها موجهة عالسيد فريدي وأنا ع أمل انها تشوفني، بس عبث. المهم، بديت اتطلع بالمحل لشوف شو رح تكون طبيعة شغلي ولاحظت اني المحل كان مليان فترينات فيها رفوف زجاج ضيقة عليها كل أنواع والوان طلاء الأظافر، ثم حمرة الشفاف، ثم مساحيق الوجه، ثم كحل العيون ثم ثم ثم، وأنا منذهل من بعد العمل بمحل تصليح سيارات السنه السابقة كيف ممكن احفظ كل هالمعلومات المهمه لوجه وجمال المراة بسمع إبن عمتي عم يقلي "لك اشبك، ما بدك تسلم ع معلمتك صونيا؟". سلمت عمعلمتي صونيا ووقفت بزاوية المحل خجلا منها من بعد ما قلها فريدي إنو الأخ رح يتخرج السنه من المرحلة الابتدائيه وحابب ياخد الصيفيه off مشان يريح أعصابه. بس هالخجل ما طول أكتر من خمس ثواني لانو صونيا وابتسامتها ما بتخلي أي مخلوق يتعرف عليها يشعر غير بمودتها ومحبتها النابعه من قلبها. بروح فريدي ومنبدأ أنا صونيا التعرف ع بعض ومن بعد ٥ دقائق كنت أخد اعترافها بالكامل عن اعجابها بابن عمتي وعن استغرابها من ملاحظتي الدقيقه وحسب كلامها "تفكيري الأكبر من عمري" (نعم، من صغري كنت مفلسف)

أنا وصونيا صرنا اصحاب لانها مع الكبير كبيرة ومع الصغير صغيرة. كنت أروح لعندها أفتح المحل بالتسعة صباحا وانتظرها بفارغ الصبر وأسكر المحل بالوحده ونصف لارجع افتحه بالاربعة وأسكره بالثمانيه وأنا بشوق دائم للذهاب إلى العمل . وصرنا نغني، ونغني كل الوقت وكانت اغنيتنا المفضله هي لوردة الجزائريه بعنوان أهلا يا حب. وصونيا حفظتني كل كلمه فيها وتناقشنا بالتفصيل عن معاني الكلمات وعن المقاطع المفضله وعن الأداء وصرنا نتسابق مين رح يغنيها أفضل (طبعا كانت تربحني كل الوقت مشان ما أحرد). صونيا كانت ما تترك هم عالقلب، وما بقدر اتخيلها بدون الابتسامه ع وجهها. كانت كريمه كتير معي ومحبه لكل اللي دوارها. كان في عنا تحلايتين بشكل دائم، بوظة من المحل اللي كان فاتح عالزاويه، أو إذا ما كان الطقس كتير شوب، خبز طازه من الفرن باخر الشارع مع شوكولاته سالي سايخة بقلبه وخدو ع أكل.

بس فريدي كان أحيانا يمرق عالمحل وياخدلي من وقتي مع صونيا وهالشيء ما كان يعجبني أبدا. ووقت اللي خفت جياته عالمحل، كترت غيابات صونيا. وفي مرة من المرات دقيت تلفون ع بيتها وقلتلها "وينك لهلأ ست الحسن؟ شو نسينا إنو عنا باب رزق هون؟" ضحكت صونيا وقالتلي: "معلش طوني بدك تطول بالك علي، أنا اخده الأسبوع كله اجازه". اجازه؟ وأنا بتم بالشغل بدون صونيا؟ ومن بعد إسبوع بتجي صونيا عالمحل وأنا محضر حالي لمواجهتها بموضوع غياباتها المتكرره (نعم، أنا كنت الأجير وهي المعلمه، بس شو يعني؟ أنا وقعت عالعقد بالعمل مع صونيا، مو لوحدي). بتدخل صونيا عالمحل ووجهها منور ومشرق أكتر من العاده والسعاده باديه بشكل ملحوظ عليها وأنا عم حاول كل جهدي اني أظهرلا اني كتير مزعوج، وبتمد ايدها وبتقلي بأعلا صوتها "مخطوبه، و هاي خاتم الخطبه". نعم، أخذها فريدي مني وتركني اشتغل لحالي لانو صار لازم يعرفها عالعائلة بكاملها، واللي بيعرف عائلتنا، بيعرف إنو التعرف عليها ممكن ياخد شهرين وأكثر. 

صونيا بتصير وحده من العائلة والكل بحبها. وقبل ما بابا يقترح علي شغل جديد من بعد تخرجي من صف السادس، بقرر اني اطلب منه اشتغل عند صونيا مرة تانيه. بيستغرب والدي اني ما عم حاول اتهرب من الشغل متل كل صيفيه، وهيك بكسب صيفيه تانيه مع صونيا قبل زواجها من فريدي. وبرقص بعرس فريدي وصونيا وبنبسط ع فرحتهم وصونيا بترقص معي بالعرس كم دقيقه وكالعاده بتخليني أحس باني شخص كتير مهم بحياتها وبمحبتها إلي.

واليوم أنا عم اكتب ذكرياتي مع صونيا لاشاركها مع فريدي واولادها بيير، جو، وفادي اللي صاروا شباب وأنا بسبب هجرتي من ١٥ سنه ما صحللي اتعرف عليهم بس واثق انهم تربوا أفضل تربيه وإنحبوا من اعطف إم وصديقة وانهم شباب بينرفع فيهم الراس . وعم اكتب لاطلب السماح من صونيا لاني ما عملت مجهود إنو نبقى ع إتصال من بعد سفري. بس صونيا إلها مكان كبير بقلبي وبذكرياتي. صونيا اسمها وضحكتها بتملي قلبي بالدفء، ومع وقوعها شهيده بقول إنو صونيا بتستاهل الاحتفال بحياتها اللي كانت قصيرة بس مليئه بالحب لكل اللي عرفها بأي عمر، ومع قساوة الحياة وقساوة عباره "الحياة رح تكمل" واللي ما بنكر صدق هالعباره، بس الحياة كانت أحلى بوجودك فيها ورح تكمل وإنت جزء كبير بذاكرتنا وقلبنا وأنا شخصياً بتشكرك عكرمك وأخلاقك ومحبتك إلي ولكل شخص بحياتك وبطلب من الله يمد عائلتك بالصبر والقوه والأيمان انك صرتي ملاك حارس الهم وشفيع عند ربنا. 

واليوم كمان عم إسمع غنيه اهلاً يا حب بصوت ورده وبهديكي الغنيه لانك إنت الحب وربنا استقبلك عنده و وحدك مع والدك اللي طالما ذكرتيه وذكرتي كيف غادر الحياة قبل الأوان. الجنه كسبت ملاك رح يعطيها بعد جديد بخفة دمه ومحبته ونحنا منقلك وداعا صونيا بس الجنه بتقلك وبدون مبالغة "أهلاً يا حب".    

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Silk Road

The Silk Road

Up North West of home there is my city
An ancient town that has beauty and simplicity
The oldest capital of industry to say the least
Hard working people known of their generosity

Their love of music, food, their hospitality
Their passion, their determination, their curiosity
They live each day to celebrate, to dance and feast
They pray to one God; the God of humanity

Come with me let me show where I grew up
Let me show you a city that knows how to live it up
The night life that goes on and on and never stops
The city that works hard, plays hard and does not give up

Come with me to show you history you did not know
Authenticity, originality that makes you take a bow
Beroea to some, to others Alep or Alshahba Aleppo

But to me it's Halab, the name alone makes my heart glow!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

A WIN-WIN Situation

Online banking gives you the option to transfer money to your friends’ accounts through their account numbers as well as through their phone numbers, as long as their phone numbers match what the bank has in their profile. You would think that is common sense, right!!
Certain customers of mine refuse to do online banking and prefer to come to the branch and sit down waiting for me, sometimes for hours, to check their recent transactions. Some of them come every day, I kid you not, every day. When they don't find me, they tell me next day that they came and I was NOT there, oooooh, how dare I? 
One of them was apparently more sophisticated and was able to break that myth and utilize online banking. His friend gave him his account number and specifically asked him to transfer money to his account online via that number. He however was adventurous and decided to use a phone number instead of the account number and now the money is lost.
I asked the customer, why did you choose to use your friend’s phone number for the transfer when you have his account number? 
I did not use my friend's phone number.
But you just said to me that you did!
I said I used “A” phone number
Interesting, what phone number did you use?
I used my friend’s friend's phone number.
Oh, and now why would you do that?
My friend was with his friend so I used his friend’s phone number.
Wait, what? why?
because they were hanging out at the time of the transfer
Ummm, meaning because when you wanted to transfer, your friend and his friend happened to be physically in the same place?
Oh, well that explains it. It makes perfect sense. Please don't do it again!

After one hour over the phone, and three different departments with three different associates who did not understand why would a customer use a random phone number to do a transfer, we located his money and returned it to his account. I thought to myself I will never win, if I push them to do online banking, they will create a mess that I have to clean, and if I don't encourage them to do the online banking, I will spend all my day going through their transactions, which they always do not remember at first then the minute I tell them I have to put them on the phone to file a claim, they magically remember. What is the opposite of a win-win situation? Whatever that is, it is MY situation!

Monday, March 3, 2014

A Stolen Moment

Two ladies in their mid sixties came for different customer service requests at the bank where I work. I said to the first one that I remembered her so well, that she was an actress, that she put me on the phone with her best friend who was an actor and who spoke my language.

As I was doing the wire transfer for the second lady, the first one came back with a big bottle of wine and told her that I was her favorite banker. As she was giving me the wine bottle she told the lady at my desk that this would take only a moment. The lady at my desk responded with "I do not have that moment, hurry up". 

Without blinking an eye, without even taking a moment to comprehend the meanness of that statement, or to form a proper reaction, the first lady said "We're all in hurry ma'm, a little kindness goes long ways". 

She gave me the wine, I hugged her and sat down with the customer who was not happy about that stolen moment. I was taken more by the kindness of the first lady than by the bitterness of the one at my desk. I was determined on creating a memorable customer experience and on killing her with kindness, the one that goes long ways. 

By the end of our transaction, she had a big smile on her face and said to me "Thank you, you have the patience of a saint". 

And I agreed. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Yet another Gulf story!

Me:   Welcome to our bank sir, how can I help you today?
Him: Arabic….  Arabic???      Arabic!!!
Me:   That would be me, my name is Tony and I'll be happy to assist. 

He scans me twice from my head to my toe and though I don't want to make assumptions but from the friendly expression on his face, it seems that he does not like what he sees. Then the investigation as usual starts:

Him: What is your name besides that "Tony" you call yourself?
Me:   That's pretty much it sir, that's my name.
Him: Okay fine. What is your real name?
Me:  Tony is my real name
Him: But that's not an Arabic name. 
Me:  No, it is not an Arabic name, it is my name
Him: Oh so you're Americanized now. What is your Muslim name?
Me:  I don't have a Muslim name.
Him: What is that supposed to mean?
Me:   It does not mean anything tricky, just an answer to your question. 
Him: But you're Arabic.
Me:  I am Syrian and I speak Arabic. Let's get past the name issue, how can I help  

We open a bank account. During the seemingly endless painful process, he asks me how long has it been since I moved to the United States, what is my wife's nationality, how many kids I have, if it is me or my wife who is causing the problem of not having kids, if I owned my home, how much I make a year, if I pray regularly, if I cheat on my wife etc. Then he asks for my business card.

Him: Is the number on your card your cellphone number?
Me:  No, that's my bank phone number.
Him: Oh yeah! why don't you write on the back your cellphone number too!
Me:  My cellphone is for my personal use. You can reach me for your banking 
         needs at the number on my card.
Him: And what if my ATM card does not work at midnight? How can I reach you 
         then (felt like he added to this question the word "Smartass")?
Me:  You can call the number on the back of your ATM card, they open 24/7.
Him: But I do not speak English as you can see. (The tone was condescending)
Me:  Sure, just ask for an Arabic translator.
Him: Arabic translator!!! Then why are you working here? In my country we don't 
         even have to ask, the banker would voluntarily give us his phone number and 
         say to us "Call me for anything you need sir at any time". What kind of customer 
          service is this?
Me:  It's the American kind.
Him: Well it sucks
Me:   I'm sorry you feel that way.
Him: How old are you?
Me:   Well come to think of it, I am one year younger than you 
           Mr. xxx qahta xxxx mutair xxxx likha
Him: Oh please, no seriously, how old are you?
Me:   40
Him: I am forty one, how could you be 40?
Me:  That's simple, by being born forty years ago!
Him: But you look fifty Tony.
Me:  I can explain, working at this particular location for the past five years made me age a 
         little faster than I care for. I guess age is not my best friend. Luckily you look 
 and act like a 20 year old man ma sha allah aaleek!
Him: It was nice meeting you. 
Me:   Sure, the feeling is mutual!

I will need a glass of wine later, no seriously I know I will. I go to buy my favorite wine bottle from Trader Joe's and the cashier wants to card me and I go "Seriously? You want to check my ID?" She goes "Sir, better be safe than sorry, I need to make sure just in case". Me "God bless you young girl, I was just told I look 50 and here you are 5 minutes later wanting to card me. By all means take a look, you just made my day". And she did not make my day by making me feel younger, but by being nice and polite to me!

Mercy …..

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Father you promised

Dad, it's been a while since you left us for what we call here on earth "A better place"
Dad it's been so hard for us, look at us we're scattered all over the place
Oh how we prayed for your forgiveness, mentioned your name at every grace
Your warm memory comes to our hearts through your merciful and kind face

Did you not promise upon your leave that we were gonna be alright?
And we believed you, yes we believed, dad you were always right
You promised but why years later, upon your memory mom's eyes still get wet
It is unfair because we're only human, so did you, now that you're a spirit, forget?

Sometimes I wonder if it was a blessing in disguise that you're now gone
Because you left us whole, and did not have a chance to see what was yet to come
That place we loved, created memories, wrote our history, proudly called home
Has now gone, and we're torn apart, surviving desperately the uncertain and unknown

Did you not promise upon your departure that we were gonna be just fine?
And we believed you, dad look at us, our lives are now on the line
You promised but why do we feel damaged, can we go back in time?
Have you forsaken us, abandoned us? do something, give us hope, give us a sign

Where art thou father, can you hear us, can you see what is going on?
Our home is bombed, our lives are burned, and No! you're not the only one 
Who sacrificed his love. Each one of us to this war lost a parent, a sibling, a son
Here we are bloodless, lifeless, soulless, we're done, oh God, we are undone

Did you not promise upon your death that we were going to be okay?
You left no will, no trust, but the legacy of a broken promise, so "come what may"
Are you in cold blood playing chess with God, killing those soldiers who did not pray?
Father, your blessings are many, but is it a blasphemy that we want to break away?