Sunday, September 1, 2013

When it happens to one of your own

When it happens to one of your own

We've heard of crimes of hatred, of wars, we've reasoned with obstruction, 
We've heard about a better  tomorrow but the "now" is beyond destroyed
We've heard of children too pure to mingle in worldly corruption, 
Who have gone to a better place but left their parents' plans null and void

A country called Earth has been generous in sacrificing countless martyrs
For the sake of noble greed, righteousness, power, crowns, and thrones
The country fell victim to civil wars caused by its sophisticated charters
That divided, labeled, classified, organized, objectified, condemned and atoned

A boy went out playing, racing, breathing, dreaming, laughing, dancing
He did not know the rules of life, he did not know he was supposed to belong
He loved and shared, he listened and obeyed, his heart was surpassing
He said to his parents when his heartbeats became still, don't cry I'm home

To our sweet angel, our Martyr Georgio Rabbat. You have gone too soon