Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Work Place

The Work Place

I have worked with incredible, smart, funny, professional, helpful, warm, genuine, sharp, and inspiring people. I have learned so much from them. They helped me shape the "man at work" I am today, and in some cases, the in-and-out of work man I am today

I've learned to have fun and not be afraid to use my sense of humor while at work. To care about the person sitting next to me and the man sitting opposite of me. To be objective and not take so many things personally. To listen without feeling the need to match the tone of an angry co-worker or customer. To take initiatives and be creative. To help, to be authentic, and to care!

Learn at work, make it your school, regardless of your position. Every employee has something valuable to contribute. If you think one or more of them is too lousy and has nothing to offer, then be that incredible person who inspires them to contribute, so that one day they too will say when they think of you and the difference you made in their lives "I have worked with incredible, smart, funny, professional, helpful, warm, genuine, sharp, and inspiring people, and they helped me shape the man at work I am today".